Title: Restaurant Cook (Denny's Mt Lehman 9216) (NOC 6322)
Employer: Denny's Restaurants
EducationSecondary (high) school graduation certificate
Experience2 years to less than 3 years
Security and SafetyBondable
Transportation/Travel InformationPublic transportation is available
Work Location InformationUrban area
Cook CategoriesCook (general)
Specific SkillsPrepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods, Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies, Inspect kitchens and food service areas, Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food, Order supplies and equipment, Supervise kitchen staff and helpers, Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment, Clean kitchen and work areas, Manage kitchen operations
Work SettingRestaurant
Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.)Not required
By mail:2950 Mt Lehman Road
Abbotsford, BC
V4X 1T3
Job location :
2950 Mt Lehman Road